
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Overnight Caramel-Soaked French Toast

Overnight Caramel-Soaked
French Toast
1-1/2  Cups  Brown Sugar, firmly packed
3/4  Cup  Butter
1/4-Cup + 2 Tablespoons  Corn Syrup  (3 ounces total)
1  loaf  French Bread, sliced into 1-3/4-inch-thick cubes  (about 8 cups)
4  Eggs, beaten
2-1/2  Cups  Whole Milk -or- Half & Half
1  Tablespoon  Vanilla
1/4  teaspoon  Salt
3  Tablespoons  Sugar
1-1/2  teaspoons  Cinnamon
1/4  Cup  Butter, melted
Combine the Brown Sugar, Butter, and Corn Syrup in a medium saucepan; cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, for 5 minutes or until mixture is bubbly.  Pour Caramel Syrup evenly into a lightly-greased 3-quart baking dish (I like the half-size foil steam table pan, it is slightly deeper than a 9 x 13).  Arrange the Bread cubes over the Caramel Syrup.
In a medium work bowl, combine the Eggs, Milk, Vanilla, and Salt; stir well and slowly pour over the Bread.  Cover and chill at least 8 hours.
Combine the 3 Tablespoons Sugar and 1-1/2 teaspoons Cinnamon; sprinkle evenly over the soaked French Toast.  Drizzle with the melted Butter.  Bake uncovered at 350* for 45 to 50 minutes, or until golden and bubbly.  Serve immediately to 10 very dear ones.  Keep the leftovers, if there are any, in the refrigerator.
"Therefore the LORD himself shall give you a sign;
Behold, the  virgin shall conceive, and bear a Son,
and shall call His name Immanuel.
Butter and honey shall He eat that He may know
to refuse the evil and choose the good."
Isaiah 7:14 & 15
This recipe has been a favorite Christmas-morning breakfast in our family for many years.  I like to use the left-over soup bread cubes from communion and make several pans of this for the freezer.  If you are freezing this, sprinkle the Toast with the Cinnamon-Sugar mixture before freezing.  Let it thaw overnight int the fridge and top it with the melted Butter just before baking.  Yummy!

Adapted from Far Above Rubies page 102

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