
Monday, September 24, 2012

Triple-Berry Ice Cream

Triple-Berry Ice Cream
1  quart  3-Berry Smoothie
1-1/2  Cups  Blackberries, divided
1-1/2  Cups  Raspberries, divided
1-1/2  Cups  Blueberries, divided
1-1/2  Cups  Sugar
2  (14-oz)   Sweetened Condensed Milk
1  (3.4-oz)  Instant Vanilla Pudding
4  Cups  Half-and-Half
Simmer together the 3-Berry Smoothie, 1 Cup Blackberries, 1 Cup Raspberries, 1 Cup Blueberries, and Sugar until sugar is dissolved and Berries are softened.  Stir in Sweetened Condensed Milk and Vanilla Pudding.  Pour into 6-quart freezer canister and stir in Half-and-Half.  Chill until cold through.  Freeze according to manufacturer's instructions.  When the freezing is complete, stir in the remaining half cup of Blackberries, Raspberries, and Blueberries.  Repack ice cream freezer with ice and allow Ice Cream to cure for 2-4 hours before serving, checking every hour or so to make sure the ice is well-packed, adding more ice as needed.  Makes 6 quarts.
"Favor is deceitful, and beauty is vain,
but a woman who feareth the LORD,
she shall be praised."
Proverbs 31:30

An original recipe "perfected in the Author's own test kitchen".

1 comment:

  1. Sounds yummy! I love triple berry stuff. The pictures of the berries are so pretty!
