
Monday, September 17, 2012

Plum Tart

Plum Tart
For the Pastry:
1-1/4  Cups  Flour
1/4  teaspoon  Salt
3  Tablespoons  Sugar
10  Tablespoons  Butter, well chilled
1  Egg Yolk
1-1/2  Tablespoons  Cold Water, with more if needed
Combine the Flour, Salt, and Sugar in a mixing bowl and toss together.  Cut the Butter into bits and drop them into the work bowl.  With a pastry blender, blend the ingredients together until they resemble flakes of oatmeal.  In a small bowl, combine the Egg Yolk and the Water.  Add the Egg mixture to the Flour mixture and stir gently with a fork until the Egg is evenly distributed.  Feel the dough; it should be damp enough to form a rough mass.  If not, add a few more drops of Water.
With your fingers, press and pat walnut-sized pieces of dough into your pie plate or tart pan, leaving no gaps and making it as even as you can.

Bake at 425* for 12-15 minutes, until lightly golden brown and dry.  Cool to room temperature before proceeding.
For the Lemon Filling:
1/3  Cup  Lemon Juice
1/2  Cup  Sugar
2  Eggs
1/2  Cup  Heavy Cream
Dash Salt
Preheat oven to 350*.  Beat together the Lemon Juice and Sugar.  Stir in the Eggs, Cream, and Salt.  Pour into the cooled Tart Shell and bake until just set, about 20 minutes.  Cool to room temperature.
For the Plum Topping:
3 to 4  Plums,
1/4  Cup  Currant Jelly, warmed to melting
Wash and pit the Plums; cut into quarters.  Thinly slice the Plums, using a mandolin or very sharp knife.  Arrange the Plums over the Lemon Filling in a decorative design.  Gently spoon the Currant Jelly over the Plums.  Serve at room temperature as soon as possible.  Serves 8.  Store any remainder in refrigerator.
Recently T brought home some heart-shaped plums--so lovely to look at and fun to slice in half to find the heart!  I had fun adapting and melding together some recipes in the Williams-Sonoma Pies and Tarts cookbook to come up with this recipe.  Very easy--I especially like that the pastry is a pat-in-the-pan rather than roll-out crust.
"But the fruit of the Spirit is Love,
Joy, Peace, Long-Suffering, Gentleness,
Goodness, Faith, Meekness, Temperance;
against such there is no law."
Galatians 5:22 & 23

1 comment:

  1. Carolyn! Oh This sounds scrumptious!!! and It looks so beautiful!! I miss plums. will have to see if the store ones here taste good (:
