
Tuesday, October 20, 2015

because you're only -{ TEN }- once

Big Sister has turned -{TEN}- and that means it is time for a Celebration!  She has looked forward to longed for (dreamed of!) this Day.  In our household we do -one- Birthday Party with friends, at the milestone of ten years.  J & D had their Birthday Party three years ago and Big Sister has been just waiting for her turn.  Invitations were mailed, the Menu planned, Favors wrapped, Games planned, Food prepared, the Table set.  The guests arrived at 11:00 and the Tea Party began!

"...a woman that feareth the Lord,
she shall be praised."
Proverbs 31:30b

 One of our Games was "Place the Teacup"
a variation of pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey

Cucumber Tea Sandwich

Vanilla Scones

 Vanilla Petits Fours

 Chocolate Petits Fours

 Aunt Kristi's Creme Wafers

Mocha Brownie Bites


  1. It looks like an absolutely fabulous time! How fun!!

  2. It looks like an absolutely fabulous time! How fun!!

  3. You all did such a beautiful tea party!! That will be a memory she can cherish forever!! Beautiful!!

  4. That's a perfect birthday party! I love tea parties, though I eat too many sandwiches to be considered lady-like :) Great job, looks fun!
