
Monday, September 21, 2015

Deborah's -{Excellent, Amazing, Simply Awesome, Really Good}- Coffee Ice Cream

Coffee Ice Cream
Scald together:
4  Cups  2% Milk
2-3/4  Cups  Sugar
1/2  Cup  Instant Coffee Crystals
3/4  teaspoon  Salt
and chill in refrigerator until cold.

When cold, pour into ice cream freezer canister and add the following, stirring well:
4  Cups  Half-and-Half
2  Tablespoons  Vanilla
4  Cups  Whipping Cream
1-1/2  Cups  Coffee Creamer (we like French Vanilla or Vanilla-Toffee Caramel)
Milk, enough to fill canister to the fill line

Freeze according to manufacture's directions.  When the Ice Cream is beginning to firm up, but not completely frozen, add in:
6 oz. grated Chocolate Bar
Stir well to combine and continue freezing until the Ice Cream is done. 

Is it ever 'too late in the season' for Homemade Ice Cream?  I think not, especially if it's as good of a recipe as this one.  My dear friend Deborah gave me this recipe years ago and we've called it Deborah's Coffee Ice Cream ever since.  When I asked her for permission to share it, she laughed and said, "Sure!  It's not my recipe; I found it in the instruction manual for the White Mountain Ice Cream Freezer."  So there you have it.  She might not claim it as hers, but we do!

"And the Lord make you to
increase and abound in love
one toward another,
and toward all men,
even as we do toward you" 
1 Thessalonians 3:12



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