
Monday, September 1, 2014

Fake It >> Greek Chicken Salad with Roasted Chicken

Fake It  >>  Greek Chicken Salad
with Roasted Chicken, Costco Style
1  pound  Penne Pasta, cooked
6  ounces  Crumbled Feta Cheese
1/4  Cup  Kalamata Olives, pitted
1/2  Cup  Diced Red Onion
1/2  Cup  Grape Tomatoes, halved
1  Cup  Artichoke Hearts, quartered
1  Cup  Roasted Shredded Chicken
1  Cup  Caesar Salad Dressing (I like this one )
2  Tablespoons  Olive Oil
3  Tablespoons  White Wine Vinegar
3  Tablespoons  Red Wine Vinegar
1  Tablespoon  Honey
1  teaspoon  Dried Oregano
Kosher Salt and Black Pepper, to taste
Combine all Salad ingredients in a large bowl.  In a small bowl, mix together the Dressing ingredients together and pour over the Pasta Salad.  Let set in refrigerator for 30 minutes or longer to allow flavors to blend.  If you're serving this day after it is made, you may want to stir in a little bit more Caesar Dressing.  Serves 8-10.
"Finally, all of you should be of one and the same mind,
united in spirit, sympathizing with one another,
loving each the others as brethren of one household,
compassionate and courteous--
tenderhearted and humbleminded."
1 Peter 3:8, Amplified
This recipe is from my sister, with many thanks from my family

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