
Monday, August 25, 2014

Peach Dumplings

Peach Dumplings
Peach Dumplings
1/4  Cup  Brown Sugar
1-2  Tablespoons  Chopped Pecans
1  Heaping Tablespoon  Flour (1-1/2 Tablespoons, but I think it's annoying to measure this awkward amount)
1  Tablespoon  Butter
Pie Crust,  enough for 2 Double-Crust Pies  (I like this recipe)
8  Firm, ripe Peaches, peeled and pits removed
3  Tablespoons  Melted Butter
Cinnamon-Sugar Mixture, for sprinkling
Maple Cream Syrup
7  Tablespoons  Heavy Whipping Cream
5  Tablespoons  Real Maple Syrup
3  Tablespoons  Light Corn Syrup
For the Peach Dumplings
Preheat oven to 400*.  Butter a 9x13 baking dish; set aside.
In a small bowl, mix together the Brown Sugar, Pecans, Flour, and Butter; set aside.
Roll out half of the Pie Crust into a rectangle and cut into 4 squares.  Take four Peaches, stuffing each Peach with 1 Tablespoon of the Brown Sugar-Pecan mixture and pressing the Peach firmly together again.  Lay onto a square of Pie Crust, firmly and securely wrapping the dough around the Peach.  (I found it worked well to lay the Peaches on their sides horizontally instead of vertically; this helped to prevent them from splitting open during baking.)  Place the Peaches in baking dish; repeat process with remaining Pie Crust and Peaches, using the scraps of dough for decoration.  Brush Peaches with Melted Butter and sprinkle with Cinnamon-Sugar.  Bake at 400* for about 35-40 minutes, until golden brown.  Serve slightly warm to 8 very special people.  Refrigerate any leftovers and enjoy for breakfast.
For the Maple Cream Syrup
Combine all ingredients in a small saucepan; heat and stir until thickened and reduced by about one-third.  Refrigerate until thoroughly chilled and thickened.  Serve over Peach Dumplings.
"Pray for the peace of Jerusalem:
they shall prosper that love thee.
Peace be within they walls,
and prosperity within thy palaces.
For my brethren and companions' sakes,
I will now say,
Peace be within thee.
Because of the house of the Lord our God I will seek thy good."
Psalm 122:6-9

I found that baking these vertical can cause them to fall apart...


This fellow looks like he's sticking out his tongue...

As you know, I've struggled for quite some time to make a decent Peach Pie.  You can read about my quest in The Husband-Pleasing Peach Dessert, and I've found a Home-Canned Peach Pie Filling that I really like. 
But these Peach Dumplings take the cake pie.  Everyone here couldn't stop from raving over these. 
I've adapted them from Stone Gables, where she suggests using Puff Pastry (sounds elegant, but I don't keep Puff Pastry in my fridge), and from Pioneer Woman's Peach Crisp with Maple Cream. 
This is seriously worth the effort, folks.  I know Peach Season is nearly over, but try if you can to get your hands on some late-season varieties, like Fairtime or Sweet September.  You'll be glad you did.

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