
Friday, March 28, 2014

The Hawaiian Meal

The Hawaiian Meal
For this very unusual but delightful meal you will need:
Finely Shredded Lettuce
Chinese Noodles
Chopped, Cooked Chicken, either hot or cold
Hot Cooked Rice
Chicken Gravy
Diced Tomato
Shredded Cheese
Diced Celery
Sliced Green Onion
More Chicken Gravy
Crushed Pineapple, drained but not 'dry'
Flaked Coconut
and Sliced Almonds
To serve, layer on plate in order given.
It's just that simple!
Or maybe it's not.  It is a lot of chopping.
I didn't give any amounts, because each family or person will make that amount vary.  You can see from the picture the approximate amounts I used for our family of six (the Gravy and the Rice aren't pictured because they were still cooking on the stove--I cooked one cup of dry Rice).  I used one pint of home-canned chicken, and used the following recipe for the Chicken Gravy.  Serve with King's Hawaiian Rolls and fruit smoothies.  Mmmm.... it tastes so good!
Chicken Gravy:
1/4  Cup  Butter
1/4  Cup  Flour
2  Cups  Chicken Broth
Seasonings, as desired--I like Poultry Seasoning, Salt, Pepper, a wee bit of Thyme, and if it all looks a bit too bland, a dash or so of Turmeric
Melt the Butter in a medium saucepan over medium heat; stir in Flour and cook for a minute or two.  Slowly add in the Chicken Broth, about a half-cup or so at a time, cooking until the Gravy reaches the desired consistency.  Season to taste. 
You can also make this with Cornstarch instead of Flour to make it gluten-free.  Just mix the Cornstarch into the Chicken Broth instead of cooking in the Butter (as you do with the Flour).
"Jesus Christ,
the same Yesterday,
and Today,
and Forever!"
Hebrews 13:8
Does anyone out there know the origins of this Hawaiian Meal?  The combination seems so strange: Pineapple and Gravy and Cheese and Lettuce? all mixed together? and it tastes good?  Yes, Yes, and Yes again.
I can remember having this as a child...  I think it would be good with Mango, too.
Oh, and on another note.
See that little glass pig up there in the lower right side in the photo?
That's Penelope Pig.
She sits in the middle of our table and believe me, we all want her to stay right there.  You see, if she comes and sits in front of your place, it is a silent signal to all that Oops! you've been using piggish manners.  Penelope will visit you quietly until someone else uses piggy manners and then she off she trots to visit the next offender.
My, how nice and mannerly our meals have become! And not a word need be said!
You can find your own Penelope Pig at Pier One for under $4.


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