
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Honey-Orange Sweet Rolls

Honey-Orange Sweet Rolls
For the Dough:
2  Packages  Yeast
2  Cups  Warm Water
1/2  Cup  Fresh Orange Juice
1/2  Cup  Honey
3/4  Cup  Melted Butter
2  Eggs
2  teaspoons Finely Minced Orange Zest, optional--  (just please, please, please make certain that this Zest is finely minced, as I personally can't stand the feeling of flossing my teeth with Orange Zest.  I'm sure you won't like it either.  Thank You.)
2  teaspoons  Kosher Salt
8 to 8-1/2  Cups  Flour
For the Filling, mix together:
1/2  Cup  Very Soft Butter
1  Cup  White Sugar
3  Tablespoons Orange Juice
1  teaspoon  Orange Zest, if desired (you did see the comment about finely mincing this, didn't you...)
For the Orange Glaze, combine:
2  Cups  Powdered Sugar
3  Tablespoons  Orange Juice
1/2  Cup  Heavy Cream, or as needed to reach desired consistency
1  teaspoon  Orange Extract or Vanilla Extract, optional
and another 2  teaspoons  Very Finely Minced Orange Zest (enough said)
In a large mixing bowl, combine the Yeast, Water, Orange Juice, and Honey; mix well and set aside for 5-10 minutes for the Yeast to proof.  Stir in the Melted Butter, Eggs, Orange Zest, and Salt.  Stir in the Flour in two-cup increments, mixing until thoroughly combined.  Cover with a clean towel, set in a warm spot (like a sunny kitchen window) and let rise until doubled, about 45-60 minutes.
When the Dough has doubled in size, turn out onto a very well floured board and knead about 60 strokes.  Divide Dough in half.  Beginning with one half of the Dough, roll out into a large rectangle, about 16" x 20".  This size is a matter of personal preference because the larger the rectangle, the more "spiral-ly" your sweet rolls will be.  Roll the dough smaller and you'll have a greater concentration of filling with a thicker, less "spiral-ly" rolls.  Anyway, back to the recipe.  Spread the Dough with half of the Filling.  Roll up, cut into 12 rolls, place them in a greased 9 x 13 dish, and repeat with the remaining Dough and Filling.  Let the Honey-Orange Sweet Rolls rise until about double in size, about 30-45 minutes. 
Bake in a preheated oven at 350* for 22-26 minutes.  Let cool 10 minutes, then pour Orange Glaze over the rolls.  Let come to room temperature, if you can wait that long.  I usually can't.  You'll want a glass of milk, too.
Makes 24 Sweet Rolls.  I won't say how many it actually serves--you know you'll want more than one...

"And I have come down to deliver them out of
the hand and power of the Egyptians
and to bring them up ...
to a land good and large,
a land flowing with Milk and Honey,
a land of plenty..."
Exodus 3:8, Amplified Version
Well, I'll bet you thought either I'd forgotten about you, or that I'd stopped cooking.
Nope.  Still been battling computer issues.  Last time I posted, the company was shipping us a new hard drive.  It came.  It was installed.  It still didn't work properly.
So, long story short, we've been sent a brand new replacement.  So far, it seems to be working properly.  Now I just need to get my camera program loaded on this computer and I should be good to go.  I have a lot of photos, so what I think I'll do is to type up the recipes and post them and then come back and add the photos in later.
Spring here on the West Coast has been a flurry.  We've been having wonderful, lovely, beautiful weather and have been longing (needing, Praying!)  for some rain.  Pray for Rain for us, please?
In February, I celebrated 3 years Melanoma Free!  Whoopee!  We went to the City as a family, spent the day at the Acadamy of Sciences--the white alligator (crocodile?) is cool! and so is the rainforest exhibit, the penguins, the Africa room, the living roof, you get the idea--and finished up after my appointment at the nifty little cupcake bakery on Fillmore: Sift.  If you get a chance, pop in there.  It's sweet.  Literally.  You'll come out with a sugar high so high you'll feel as if you have the ability to climb the Golden Gate.  But we didn't, we just drove home over it.
March has brought some sadness to us, as T's Grandmother passed away.  He and I, along with his brother, flew East for a quick trip for her funeral.  This was a special time with his family, and we rejoice that Grandma is Safely Home!
And now it's raining today!  Yippee!  My dryer is buzzing, my Dough is calling for me to come take care of it, and I must close.  But I hope to chat with you again soon!
Until then,


Recipe adapted from the Lemon Sugar website.

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