
Saturday, October 6, 2012

A Fondue 40th

Today my brother-in-law turns 40.

Last night his wife hosted a very, very fun Fondue party in his honor.

I didn't get a lot of pictures, and those I did take had pretty poor quality--sorry about that.

Complete with stick-on mustaches!

Here are the links to the recipes we used, with a few notes under each link.  We planned for 25 adults.

We doubled this recipe.

We doubled this recipe.
Of all the cheese-based fondues, this was the overall hit of the evening.

We doubled this recipe.
This did scorch; keep your fondue burner on low heat.
The burner under this one was hard to get low enough.

We doubled this recipe, too.
A fun fondue if you're serving children.

Nest your meat in bowls of ice to keep it cold.

This links to; we adjusted the recipe to serve 16.
We used filet mignon for the Beef and
used Chicken instead of the Pork the recipe called for.
The recipe includes two dipping sauces: Horseradish and BBQ;
no need to double the dipping sauce recipes.
These were a big hit with the men.

Tempura Shrimp

2 Eggs
1-3/4  Cups  Very Cold Water
1-3/4  Cups  Flour
1/4  teaspoon  Salt

Beat Eggs and Water until frothy.  Beat in Flour until batter is smooth.
Refrigerate until used.  Place batter in bowl in crushed ice to keep cold while using.
Yield:  about 2-1/2 cups batter.

*Make certain that whatever you are dipping into the Batter is very dry--
otherwise the batter will slide off in the hot oil!

We doubled this recipe.

We doubled this.
This was the dessert hit of the evening!
We added between 1/4- to 1/2-teaspoon Sea Salt to this (Butterscotch) recipe
and renamed it Salted Caramel Fondue.
So good with Pears.

If you have any questions just send me a comment; I'd love to help you as best I can.
Fondue is a lot of fun, but also a lot of chopping.
If you're doing a party of this size, have about 3 helpers to get it all chopped.


  1. Looks like fun! And it is pretty with all the bowls and fondue pots!

  2. Oh good! I'm so glad you posted all the recipes... I've always thought fondue was FUN, but not that great tasting other than the dessert; BUT you changed my mind last night! It was all SO GOOD!!!
