
Monday, April 23, 2012

Cream Sauce for Steak with Garlic and Blue Cheese

Cream Sauce for Steak
with Garlic and Blue Cheese

Last Saturday my Husband got our gas grill going and I've been having fun learning how to grill with gas instead of charcoal.  We very rarely have steak, but I had found some 'reduced-for-quick-sale' New York Steak at Target a while back and had put them in the freezer, longing for warmer weather.

(As an aside--I really like the beef at Target.  It is Angus beef; we think it has a much better flavor than that at, ahem, the discount grocery I usually shop at.  Whenever I'm in Target I'll blitz through the grocery section looking for any meat which has been marked down.  Pop it in the freezer and presto! a tasty meal at a much cheaper cost.  End of aside.)

Anyway, back on track now:  I grilled the Steak with Carl's Prime Rib & Roast Seasoning and Black Pepper.  Love that Carl's stuff--I primarily use it on Chuck Roast and Tri-Tip and find that I don't need to add anything else to it.

We topped the Steak with this yummy Cream Sauce.  I found the recipe in a Simple & Delicious, May-June 2006 and modified it slightly.  Enjoy!

Cream Sauce for Steak

4  oz.  Cream Cheese, softened
1/4  Cup  Milk
2  Tablespoons  Butter, softened
1/4  teaspoon  Black Pepper
Tiny Dash  Cayenne Pepper
1/4  Cup  crumbled Blue Cheese
3 to 6  Garlic Cloves, crushed, use to taste

Using a hand mixer or immersion blender, blend together the Cream Cheese, Milk, Butter, and Peppers until smooth.  Stir in Blue Cheese and Garlic.  Serve over hot Steak.  Makes about 3/4 Cup.

Not everyone here likes Blue Cheese and Garlic, so I place them in little bowls and we each add what we want to the top of our Steak.  Enjoy!

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