
Monday, April 21, 2014

Flank Steak Pinwheels

Flank Steak Pinwheels
Prep:  30 minutes
Grill:  10-15 minutes
8  Bacon Strips
1-1/2  pounds  Beef Flank Steak or Skirt Steak
4  Cups  Fresh Baby Spinach
1  7-oz. jar  Roasted Red Peppers, drained and patted dry

Cream Sauce for Steak

Place Bacon strips on a microwave-safe plate lined with paper towels.  Cover with another paper towel; microwave on high 2-3 minutes or until partially cooked; set aside.
Cut Flank Steak horizontally from the long side to within 1/2-inch of opposite side.  Open meat so it lies flat; cover with plastic wrap and pound if needed to flatten to 1/4-inch thickness; remove plastic wrap.
Place Spinach over Steak to within 1 inch of edges; top with Red Peppers.  With the grain of the meat going from left to right, roll up jelly-roll style.  Wrap Bacon strips around Steak; secure with toothpicks.  Slice across the grain between Bacon into eight slices.  (Depending on how the meat is shaped, you may find that you'll need more Bacon--sometimes it can take 9 or 10 slices.  Try to keep the slices at 1-inch thickness.)
Grill, covered, over medium heat for 5-7 minutes per side or until meat reaches desired doneness (for medium-rare, thermometer should read 145*, medium, 160*, well-done, 170*).  Remove to serving platter, discard toothpicks.
Serve with Cream Sauce for Steak and a nice Baked Potato (I think Baked Potatoes are nice, don't you?).  Serves about 6, and is very impressive and very simple.

"Be ye, therefore,
followers of God,
as dear children;
And walk in love,
as Christ also hath loved us,
and hath given Himself for us
an offering and a sacrifice to God
for a sweet-smelling savor."
Ephesians 5:1 & 2

here you can tell I was in a hurry and didn't flatten
the Steak properly
don't be like me--it takes longer to grill

looks like I put my Cream Sauce on my nice Baked Potato...
From Simple & Delicious magazine, May-June 2006.

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