
Thursday, October 10, 2013

Salted Caramel Fondue

Salted Caramel Fondue
1/2  Cup  Brown Sugar, packed
1/3  Cup  Light Corn Syrup
1/4  Cup  Heavy Whipping Cream
2  Tablespoons  Butter
1  Teaspoon  Vanilla
1/2  Teaspoon  Kosher Salt
Your favorite dessert dippers--see suggestions below
In a small saucepan, combine the Brown Sugar, Corn Syrup, Whipping Cream, and Butter.  Bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring occasionally.  Reduce heat to medium-low; cook for 5 minutes.  Remove from heat and stir in Vanilla and Salt.  Transfer to fondue pot and keep warm.  Serve with dippers.  Makes about 1 cup.
"Be anxious for nothing,
but in everything,
by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving,
let your requests be made known unto God.
And the peace of God,
which passeth all understanding,
shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."
Philippians 4:6 & 7


Last spring we had the opportunity to participate in a benefit auction for our children's school.  T and I and some dear friends offered to host a Fall Fondue Party for 10, which took place this past Saturday night.  This Salted Caramel Fondue was one of our desserts and was also the favor our guests took home.  For dessert dippers we used Pears, Apples, Pound Cake, Pretzels, Strawberries, Rice Krispies, Brownies, Bananas, Marshmallows, and canned Biscuits (to fry in hot oil) with Vanilla Sugar & Apple Pie Spice blend.  This fondue also makes a wonderful ice cream sauce and a delightful addition to a cup of hot coffee.  If you're going to make this for a favor, I recommend sprinkling the Kosher Salt on top of the fondue once it has set up in the jars instead of stirring it into the hot Fondue as the recipe states--it looks prettier that way!
Our menu for the evening included Tempura Shrimp Fondue, Marinated Filet Migon and Marinated Chicken Breast Fondue, Simmering Beef Broth Fondue, Baked Fontina Fondue with Sun-Dried Tomatoes, Spinach and Artichoke Fondue, Classic Cheese Fondue, Crab Fondue, Chocolate Marshmallow Fondue, and Mini Doughnuts.
 Adapted from Butterscotch Fondue on, submitted by Sharon Mensing


  1. I am going to "copy" this party idea down to the last morsel! I love that you sent your guests home with a gift...

  2. How long will the Salted Caramel keep in the glass jars? Or should it be refrigerated until used?

  3. @Holly Rundberg, it will keep, refrigerated, about 4 months. It may start to separated--just give it a good stir when reheating and it will be fine. I do not recommend leaving the Fondue I refrigerated for more than 24 hours. Hope this helps!

  4. **I do not recommend leaving the Fondue -unrefrigerated- for more than 24 hours.**. :)
