
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Crab Fondue

Crab Fondue
18  ounces  Cream Cheese, softened
1/3  Cup  Mayonnaise
1  teaspoon  Prepared Yellow Mustard
1  Tablespoon  Corn Starch
1/2  teaspoon  Garlic Powder
2  teaspoons  Old Bay Seasoning
1/3  Cup  White Wine
1  Tablespoon  Lemon Juice
1  pound  Lump Crab Meat
1/4  Cup  Green Onion, chopped
Sourdough Bread Cubes or Fresh Pears
In a medium/large microwave-safe dish, combine the Cream Cheese, Mayonnaise, Mustard, Corn Starch, Garlic Powder, and Old Bay Seasoning.  Warm in microwave, stirring as needed until fully blended.  Stir in Wine, Lemon Juice and Crab; microwave until hot.  Stir in Green Onion.  Transfer to Fondue pot; adjust heat to low to keep warm--prevent from scorching.  Serve with Sourdough bread Cubes or Fresh Pear chunks.  Serves 4-6 as a main course.
To prepare ahead of time, follow instructions up to the point of stirring in Wine, Lemon Juice, and Crab; refrigerate.  When ready to serve, warm until hot through and stir in Green Onions.  Yummy!
"But we see Jesus,
who was made a little lower than the angels
for the suffering of death,
crowned with Glory and Honour,
that He,
by the grace of God,
should taste death for every man."
Hebrews 2:9
Slightly adapted from  

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