
Saturday, August 17, 2013

Home-Canned Peach Pie Filling {Happy Summer}

Happy Summer Saturday!  I hope that your Summer has been a pleasant and happy one--it sure has slipped away swiftly, hasn't it!?  This week marks the beginning of school for us--Little One started Kindergarten.  Her smile says it all, doesn't it!

Big Sister was eager to start back, too, while Big Brothers--not so much.
And me? I've been looking forward to a quiet house, but find myself carrying on conversations with the dog...  I think it has helped a bit to have all the garden produce coming off at once.  Wednesday found me freezing corn (the boys had shucked it the night before), canning green beans (I had snapped them the previous afternoon), and then making more Sunshine Frozen Peach Cups because the peaches are ready, too.  I think that I have been deceiving myself with the notion that I would 'have more time when school starts'.
Two weeks ago I found a recipe for Home-Canned Peach Pie Filling online (link here).  I was very, very pleasantly surprised at how delicious it is.  The original recipe only made enough pie filling for six quarts; I have adjusted my recipe for seven quarts.  If I'm going to can, I like to have a full canner!  I hope you enjoy this, too. 
Home-Canned Peach Pie Filling
Peaches, peeled and diced, enough to make 7 quarts
8  Cups  Sugar
2-1/2  Cups + 1 Tablespoon  Clear Jel (regular, not instant), Flour, or Cornstarch--Clear Jel is preferred

6  Cups + 2  Tablespoons  Cold Water
2  Cups  Lemon Juice
1-1/4  Teaspoons  Cinnamon
1  Teaspoon  Almond Flavoring (optional)
1-1/2  Teaspoons  Vanilla Flavoring (optional)
Peel Peaches, slice into 1/2-1 inch chunks or slices.  Treat with Fruit Fresh, if desired.
Combine Sugar and Clear Jel in a large pot; stir in Cold Water.  Heat, stirring quite frequently as this can scorch (--speaking from experience here!), until mixture begins to thicken and bubble.  Add Lemon Juices, Cinnamon, and Flavorings if desired; boil for 1 minute, stirring continually.  Gently stir in Peaches and cook for 3 minutes longer, stirring continually.  Fill your clean, sterilized jars, leaving a 1-inch headspace; remove any air bubbles.  Wipe jar rims clean, attach lids and rings.  Process in boiling water bath for 30 minutes.  Makes 7 quarts, with a little left over for the cook to enjoy over some Vanilla Ice Cream--the rewards of her labor!
"My son, eat thou honey, because it is good,
and the honeycomb, which is sweet to thy taste;
So shall the knowledge of wisdom be to thy soul."
Proverbs 24: 13, 14a

If you're a little silly, like me, you'll know how much pleasure can be gained from just sitting in the cellar, gazing at all those lovely, lovely jars of canned food!
I appreciated the article on What Not To Can from Rural Revolution, which gives a little more info on canning with Clear Jel.  Of course, this recipe and all home-canned recipes should be used 'at your own risk'; if you have any questions please contact your local County Ag Extension office.

1 comment:

  1. I love the look of jars of home-canned fruits and vegetables too! There's something so satisfying about it and they're so pretty!

    I canned peach pie filling several years ago and it was so yummy and nice to have on hand. The recipe was similar to this, I think. This recipe sounds very good!

    And I agree~it's nice to have a full canner!
