
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Cheap Eats >> Senate Bean Soup

Cheap Eats  >>
Senate Bean Soup

1-1/2  Cups  dry Great Northern Beans -or- Navy Beans
1  Cup  Diced Ham
1-2  medium  Potatoes, finely diced
1  Onion, diced
1/2  Cup  diced Celery
1  Carrot, grated
1  clove  Garlic, minced
1  teaspoon  Salt
1/2  teaspoon  Black Pepper
dash  Cayenne Pepper

Grated Jack Cheese, for serving

Soak Beans in 6-quart pan overnight with 1 quart water.  (Or, bring beans to boil in 1 quart water; boil 2 minutes; cover and let soak 1 hour.)  Drain Beans, reserving water.  Return Beans to pot; add enough water to make 2 quarts.  Add Ham to Beans and water; cover and simmer 2 hours.  Remove 1 cup Beans and puree; return to pot.  Add Potatoes, Onion, Celery, Carrot, Garlic, Salt, and Peppers.  Simmer 1 hour longer.  Sprinkle with grated Jack Cheese for serving.  Serves 6.

One of those 'comfort foods' from my childhood.  I like to add more carrots.

"Be patient therefore, brethren,
unto the coming of the Lord.
Behold, the farmer waiteth for the precious
fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it,
until he receive the early and latter rain.

Be ye also patient, establish your hearts;
for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh."
James 5:7 & 8 

Adapted from Seasoned With Love, page 36       

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