
Saturday, November 3, 2012

20 Minute Sticky Bun Coffee Cake


Good Morning!

Today is the start of a new series:  Kids in the Kitchen!  As I come across fun, simple, child-friendly recipes, I'll share them with you.  This first recipe is a perfect beginning to introducing your children to the kitchen, as it does not use the stove or oven:  this Coffee Cake is baked in the microwave, and the 'math' is minimal--only whole units of measurement--no fractions needed and it is ready in about 20 minutes.   Let's begin!

First:  Go wash your hands!

Second, set out your ingredients and tools:

2  10-count tubes  Refrigerated Biscuits
1  Cup  packed Brown Sugar
1  teaspoon  Cinnamon
1  Cup  Chopped Pecans or Walnuts, optional
1  Cup  Whipping Cream

Kitchen Scissors
2  medium work bowls
1-cup measuring cup
1-teaspoon measuring spoon
1 microwave-safe bundt pan
If you don't have a microwave bundt pan, use a 2-quart/8-cup (or larger) glass bowl and set a small glass juice cup in the middle of it to make a bundt pan.

Cut the Biscuits into quarters and place them in one work bowl.

In the second work bowl, combine the Brown Sugar and Cinnamon.

Coat the Biscuits with the Brown Sugar mixture.  Gently layer in the bundt pan with Nuts, if desired.

Slowly pour Whipping Cream evenly over the Biscuits and Brown Sugar mixture.
Microwave, uncovered, for 7 minutes.  Check, rotate pan if needed, and microwave for up to another 7 minutes, if needed, depending on your microwave (we only need to cook ours for 7 minutes).
Use this cooking time to go get dressed, if needed.
Let set in microwave for 2-3 minutes to cool.
Carefully remove--it is hot, you may need an adults help.

Take a goooood loooong sniff, 'cause by now you're hungry and it smells so yummy!

Have an adult invert the Coffee Cake onto a large plate because it will have some gooey, sticky, caramel-y sauce in the bottom of the pan.

Serve it to your hungry family.
There won't be any left overs--we can promise that!
Don't forget to clean up your cooking mess!
"Train up a child in the way he should go:
and when he is old,
he will not depart from it."
Proverbs 22:6
This easy recipe comes from my sister-in-law Natalie.  We've enjoyed it for many years and hope you do, too!


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