
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Liebster Award

How was your weekend?  We had an awesome weekend--spent the day up in those Peaceful Pines at Family Camp.

It was so relaxing to get up to the mountains and soak in the beauty of the hills with our Church family.  It did make for a long day, though--getting up at 4:50 am to leave the house by 5:30 (although we didn't get left until 5:45) so we could be there for Morning Worship at 7:45.  Then the blessings of an open-air Church Service and fellowship in the afternoon.  How the children loved the time after lunch to play in the creek.  I relaxed with the other moms in the shade beside the creek and T enjoyed horseshoes with the fathers.  After supper came Campfire and s'mores and then the drive home--we pulled into the garage at 10:05--and tired children to clean up and get tucked in.

When I finally had time to check email--can't remember if it was late Saturday night before we left, or late Sunday night after we got home--I found an email from Jill at Sew a Fine seam telling me that I had won the Liebster Award!  {And I'll expose my ignorance here: I had to read her blog to find out what that was!}


The Liebster Award is an award given to small blogs--blogs which have under 200 followers. Liebster is a German word, and I quote from Jill's blog:

"Liebster is German and means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing and welcome."

Aww... how very kind of you!

There are two requirements in accepting this blog:

One:  to pass it on to five other small blogs, which I am very glad to do!  Here are links to some of my favorite.  They are either thought-provoking or of interest to me.  Pop over to see them and tell them I sent you with a smile.

The first blog is from my dear friend Beth at Aria Gardens.  She cans her garden bounty.  What more can I say?

Next up would be Kendra at Living In The Shoe.  Thank you, Kendra, for your thought provoking, heartfelt, and humorous view of life. 

Then come two fun blogs:  April has some really great sewing tips at In An Orchard,
and Dogwood Designs has beautiful things to buy, both in the Etsy store and at their brick-and-mortar store.

And now I'm going to cheat a bit.  These next four blogs are all on the same topic: adoption.  Friends, thank you for your honesty that you share with us all.  You encourage me in my parenting and I keep you in my prayers as you parent your children.
Life with a Family
Handful of Quietness
Once Upon A Sunbeam
Mudpies and Tutus

And the second requirement in accepting the Liebster Award is that I share five random things about myself.  And I'm not real good about sharing things about myself, so here goes..

1.  The song "Mairzy Doats" has been stuck in my head.  Since last Friday.  You can Google it if you want it stuck in your head, too.  I guess the bonus of it is that it is a cute song.

2.  Three things I'd like to do are:  see Fourth-of-July fireworks over the Statue of Liberty, go camping for a week in the Ozarks, and go to Scotland.

3.  I teach Kindergarten-Second music.  Maybe that's why "Mairzy Doats" has been stuck in my head.

4.  I worked as a housekeeper for six-and-one-half years, cleaning and cooking from my Senior year of high school until I had children.

5.  I really don't like Dahlias.

And that's about all I can think of for now...  Care to share one random thing about yourself with me?


  1. How fun Carolyn! So thoughtful of you to think of me! Love all the other blogs you mentioned too :)

  2. You don't like dahlias!!!? I think you're a one-of-a-kind then :)

  3. Good afternoon, Carolyn! Thank your fun post and the gracious mention of Handful of Quietness. I updated your link at HOQ today, as you old one was no longer opening up. I enjoy your yummy posts on the dishes you are stirring up in your kitchen. I do love to cook when/if I have the time, and am always glad for some inspiration. It is a blessing for all us moms to find each other out here in Blogland. Blessing to you, my friend.

  4. Thank you, Carolyn, for your thoughtfulness about my blog. I do watch your yummy recipes. Thanks, Doris

  5. :) Fun to read your post! And I love finding blogs that friends like to read!
