
Friday, March 23, 2012


There's a Giveaway going on right now over at Kendra Graber's blog Living In The Shoe and it is being sponsored!

Actually, it's two Giveaways:  One Winner receives her (or his) choice of two sets of Postal Greeting Cards--a total of Two Dozen postcards!


One Winner gets her choice of  (3) Infant Hairclips -or- (2) Big Sister Hairclips -or- (1) Big Girl Hairclip or Jacket Pin, all in her choice of colors!

To enter just click on the link above and follow Kendra's instructions.
All of the terms, disclaimers, and qualifications are listed at Kendra's site.
I can't wait to pop these in the mail to you!

If you aren't the lucky winner, you can place an order.  Here's a link to my Facebook site,

Browse through the Photo Albums by clicking on the Photo tab on the left side of the page.
Make your selection and drop me a note, either by a Facebook message or by leaving a note at this blog site.  Prices are listed with each photo.  I can create any size Hairclip in any color pictured, so if you don't see what you want pictured, just ask!


  1. Eeek! What a fun giveaway!! :) I am a huge fan of your lovely hairbows! :)

  2. I'm a friend of Kendra's and since I have 5 girls,these bows are something that would get a lot of use! Thry are beautiful!
