
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Fake It -- LARA Bites

Have you tried those energy/meal/healthy snack bars that are so popular?  You know, the 'granola bars' that are at the grocery check-out and retail for about $2 each?

Me neither.  Too Expensive.
Especially when each child is going to want his or her Very Own Bar.

And then....
We went to the Ocean with my husband's family.

And my Sister-In-Law offered me one of these.

And I ate,
more than one.

That's all, she wrote.


Fake It  --  LARA Bites

2  packed Cups  pitted Medjool Dates
1/2  Cup  Unsweetened Coconut
SCANT 1/4  teaspoon  Vanilla  (do go easy on the Vanilla; these bites are not baked and if you use too much Vanilla the alcohol will overpower the Bites.  I learned this the hard way: my Vanilla spilled.)
1/2  teaspoon  Salt
1/4  Cup  Cocoa Nibs  -OR-  Mini Chocolate Chips

Pick through the Dates, removing any stem caps or pit pieces.  Place in a food processor in an even layer.  Layer the remaining ingredients in food processor, making certain that you don't dump the Salt in one location.  Process on High until well mixed.  Scoop out onto waxed paper in 1-inch balls (I used my smallest Pampered Chef cookie scoop); allow to dry for about one hour--this makes them less likely to stick together in your storage container.  Store in an air-tight container.

I doubled this and made about 3 dozen Bites.  A double recipe was almost too much for my food processor.

Adapted from Chocolate-Covered Katie's recipe.  I think that this could be changed up in a variety of ways:  Swap out some of the Dates for dried Apricots, Cherries, or Blueberries; swap the Cocoa Nibs for chopped toasted Almonds or Pecans... 

I wish I had more Dates in my cupboard...


  1. hi! just saw your question on my blog - thought i would answer you here. i used to make the liquid stuff. it's by far the cheapest way to go. but it's messy and i don't like storing a five gallon bucket:( my recipe had specific ways to disolve each thing before adding it all togehter. if you did it EXACTLY right it was great. but it took too much time for me to do it EXACTLY right! after a year or so our clothes weren't smelling clean anymore. I use a couple Tablespoons at the most of this soap. now I don't have boys so i haven't had too much of the grass stain issues but my girls can be pretty hard on stuff. If rubbing this soap in doesn't work i go straight to my oxyclean. but it's been awhile since I've had to use that. I think it has to do with the mixing of tide with the powdered homemade laundry soap.
    hope that helps and ask more questions if i didn't answer something!

  2. Love homemade larabars! I love the fact that my children love them too! I make a simple version: dates, almond butter and pecan meal. I would like to try your recipe!
