
Sunday, October 23, 2011

Seven Continents Challenge

Seven Continents Challenge

I was planning my weekly menu and asked my husband "What would you like to have for dinner this week?"
"Food,"  he replied.

"Yes, but what kind of food?!"

"Well, there's seven continents and seven days of the week, so let's have something from a different continent each day!" was his jesting retort.

Well, I took him up on it.  Here's where we're going this week:

Monday:  Australia  --  Aussie Apricot Chicken and ANZAC Biscuits
Tuesday:  Africa  --  West African Chicken and Groundnut Stew
Wednesday:  North America  --  Cuban Picadillo Pie
Thursday:  South America  --  Brazilian Pork Ribs and Collards
Friday:  Europe  --  Polish Cabbage Rolls and Polish Rice Cake
Saturday:  Asia  --  Chicken Makhani (Indian Butter Chicken), Indian Cauliflower, and Naan
(Yes, I know, that's only six continents.  I couldn't find recipes for Antarctica)

These are all new recipes to me (except for the ANZAC Biscuits and the Naan, and they are both yummy).  I tried to research these recipes, first searching web sites written by folks from these countries, and interestingly enough, kept getting directed to 

I'm posting my Grocery List today, and will post the Recipe of the Day each morning.  I'll try to add a photo after I've made each dish.  I will convert the instructions from Metric to English measurements (600 g Chicken, baked at 190*C, anyone?)  Join me in trying some new recipes.

3 Garlic Heads
1 Sweet Potato
2  lbs  Collard Greens
3 Limes
1  lg Cabbage
1  lg  Cauliflower
2 Shallots
1/4  C  Slivered Almonds
1/4  C  Raisins
1/2  C  Golden Raisins
White & Brown Rice
1 28-oz. Whole Tomatoes
2 8-oz. Tomato Sauce
Fresh Tomatoes
1 can Apricot Nectar
1/4 C Pimiento Green Olives
1 15.5-oz Great Northern Beans
1 pkt. dry French Onion Soup
1 C Self-Rising Flour
3 lb Boneless-Skinless Chicken Thighs
4  Boneless-skinless Chicken Breasts
1.5 lb  Ground Chicken
10 Pork Spareribs
1 C Half-and-Half
8 oz.  Plain Yogurt
Orange Juice
4 oz Fresh Ginger Root
2 Green Bell Peppers
8 Onions
1 1/2 C Corn
1/2 Head Lettuce
4 1/2 C Bread Flour
Check your Spice Cupboard for the following:
Curry Powder
Chicken Broth
Salt & Pepper
Soy Sauce
Red Wine Vinegar
Lemon Juice
You will also need Pie Crust for a double-crust pie; homemade or boughten will work.

Join me, and let me know how it goes for you.  I'm looking forward to this interesting week!

1 comment:

  1. looking forward to watching the progress of the week - not sure this cook is brave enough to attempt such a task:)
