
Monday, August 15, 2011

Fake It >> "Mama's" Home-Made Version of "Papa's" Grilled Chicken & Bacon Stuffed Pizza

Did you know that you can make Papa Murphy's-style stuffed Pizza at home?  Here's how to make the Grilled Chicken & Bacon Stuffed Pizza:

You will need:

2  recipes  of your favorite Pizza Dough, about 2 lbs total
1/2  Cup  Ranch Dressing, divided
3  cloves  Garlic, crushed, or to taste
1 1/2  Cups  Pizza Cheese, divided
6  oz  Cooked Chicken, diced  (grilled is best; if you don't have grilled, add 2 drops Liquid Smoke flavoring to the Ranch Dressing)
3  Roma  Tomatoes, diced and drained, divided
4  Tablespoons  Bacon, divided
4  Green Onions,  thinly sliced, divided

Mix together the Ranch Dressing and Garlic, set aside.

Roll out 1 recipe Pizza Dough (1 lb.) onto your baking sheet or pizza pan, allowing the dough to drape over the edges of the pan.  Roll out the remaining Pizza Dough on a well-floured board, let rest.

Spread the dough with 5 Tablespoons of the Garlic-Ranch Dressing.  Sprinkle with 1  Cup  Pizza Cheese, all of the diced cooked Chicken, 2  Roma Tomatoes, 2  Tablespoons Bacon and 3  Green Onions.

Top the Pizza with the prepared second half of the Dough, fold the bottom crust edges over the top crust and twist or crimp together to seal.

Spread the top Pizza dough with the remaining Garlic-Ranch Dressing, Cheese, Tomatoes, Bacon and Green Onions.

Bake at 375* for 25-30 minutes, or until done.

Makes a "Large" Stuffed Pizza, serves 5-6.

Enjoy a yummy pizza for a fraction of the cost of Papa Murphy's!


  1. Looks yummy! Now I would like to know what recipe you use for your crust?

  2. Yum! I'm going to give this a try tonight :) Thanks! ~Kelley

  3. @ Danita: I cheat. I buy it at the grocery from the Pizza Chain inside the store... :{ T doesn't like my homemade crust. Sorry I'm not much more help on this one...

  4. I really don't know you...but I'm thinking I shouldn't have found your blog. :) Now I have to go eat a cookie. It all made me hungry.

  5. Finally had a chance to try this - very yummy and easy :)Thanks!

  6. @Kelley~ I'm so glad this worked out for you! I love to try to make my own copy-cats of Resturant favorites. :D

  7. This is AMAZING. I did it without the crust (because I am on a low carb diet) and in a lasagna pan. Oh my gosh is it good. SO GOOD. Just for anyone who is not sure if they want to try this, DO IT.

  8. @Stacy~ Hey, that's a great idea! I'm *supposed* to be gluten-free for the next 3 months, and I'm really missing Pizza. Thanks for the great idea!

  9. I just tried this recipe my family loved this it tasted just like papa murphys pizza thank you so much this will definitely be going in the recipe book and we will for sure be making this again (:
