
Monday, July 11, 2011

Zesty Chicken Enchiladas with Tomatillo Verde Sauce

hands-on time:  35 minutes
total time:  55 minutes
serves:  6

Tomatillos resemble small green tomatoes with a papery outer husk and a delicious tart flavor.  Can't find them?  Try a shortcut version of the verde sauce by mixing a 16-ounce jar of mild green salsa with 1 cup of cream.

1  Tablespoon Olive Oil
1  pound Tomatillos (papery husks removed), chopped
1  White Onion, chopped
1  Poblano Pepper, seeded and chopped
4  cloves Garlic, chopped or crushed
3/4  teaspoon  Ground Cumin
Salt and Black Pepper
1  Cup  Heavy Cream
2  Cups  chopped cooked Chicken
1  14.5-oz can  Diced Tomatoes, drained
1 1/4  Cups grated Monterey Jack Cheese, divided
14  6-inch  Corn Tortillas
Pico de Gallo

Heat oven to 400*.  Heat the Olive Oil in a large non-stick skillet over medium-high heat.  Add the Tomatillos, Onion,  Poblano, Garlic, Cumin and 1/2 tsp Salt.  Cook, stirring occasionally, until the vegetables are tender, 10-12 minutes.  Transfer to blender or food processor, add the Cream, and puree.

In a large bowl, combine the Chicken, drained Diced Tomatoes, 1 Cup of the Cheese, 1/2 Cup of the Tomatillo Verde sauce, and 1/2 teaspoon each Salt and Black Pepper.

Warm the Corn Tortillas according to package directions.  Spread 1 Cup Tomatillo Verde sauce in a greased 9 x 13 baking dish.  Roll the Chicken mixture in to Tortillas and place them in the dish, seam-side down.

Top with the remaining Tomatillo Verde sauce and Cheese.  Bake until beginning to brown, 10 to 15 minutes.  Serve with Pico de Gallo.
(Bake for 20-30 minutes if refrigerated.)

Adapted from Real Simple, May 2009

And now for a few questions:
Are you enjoying this blog?
Have you made any of the recipes from it?
If you have, were they good?
What kind of recipes would you like to see?
Is this a blog you would share with your friends?

I always appreciate feed back!  Thank You!


  1. I LOVE this blog!
    No, I have not yet made any of the recipes. :-(
    And, yes, I have shared this site with my friends. It's beautiful.

  2. I love your blog...always great ideas....I have printed off most of them and just haven't had the chance to try them yet! Getting on that!
    I would love to see a recipe for some easy loaf bread. White, wheat...whatever you got. I STRUGGLE making yeast breads. detailed instructions please for this gal!!! =)

  3. I've really enjoyed your blog, Carolyn! I like the easy dinner ideas and the yummy salads :) Haven't tried them yet, but can't wait to try this one as we like Mexican food... keep 'em coming!~Kelley

  4. Thank you all for your feed-back, it helps me to know how to continue on. @Autumn, I rarely make loaf bread (My Mother-in-law was a past-master at it and some how it makes me nervous), but I know an excellent baker and I'll try to get her to do a guest blog for me. :) Blessings to all of you, my readers!

  5. I love recipe blogs, because I am always searching for dinner recipes. I get so tired of the same 5 meals! The lemon glazed cake looks amazing. Can't wait for an excuse to try it!
    If you run out of ideas, just post your menus...that would inspire me!

  6. Are you enjoying this blog? Yes! Several reasons... - b/c it's you and you are an incredible cook.
    Have you made any of the recipes from it? No, but I easily get stuck in a rut and need to.
    If you have, were they good? I have no doubts!
    What kind of recipes would you like to see? At this point in time, the cheap eats definately resonate with me. But don't stop the lovely desserts. I always know where to find your blog =)
    Is this a blog you would share with your friends? Yes, there are several foodies in my family, I just don't happen to be one =)

    I always appreciate feed back! Thank You!

  7. Carolyn,
    I enjoy the recipes you choose and have made a few of them...very tasty!! I love the pictures too!!
    Sunshine and smiles,
